About the a-IPCTM Exam
Important Update:
The CBIC Board of Directors is pleased to announce the a-IPC™ certification is renewable through either the proctored examination or continuining education (IPUs). Please visit our frequently asked questions page for additional information regarding this update.
Apply now: https://secure.cbic.org/imiscbic/cbic/aipc-application/
What is the a-IPCTM?
The a-IPC (Associate – Infection Prevention and Control) entry-level certification examination is a measure of basic infection prevention knowledge. It is intended for the novice IP and for those interested in pursuing careers in infection prevention and control. The a-IPCTM is an objective, multiple-choice examination consisting of 100 questions. 85 of these questions are used in computing the score.
How do I take the a-IPCTM?
There are no eligibility requirements necessary to apply for the a-IPCTM. The a-IPCTM is offered five to seven days a week at testing centers throughout the United States, Canada, and international sites around the world. Candidates may also utilize a remote proctoring option at no additional cost or approval process.
Important Updates:
New! Effective January 3, 2025, the CIC®, a-IPC™, and LTC-CIP® examinations will be delivered using forward navigation. Forward navigation in an examination refers to a format where candidates can only progress through the exam in a linear sequence, answering each question one after another without the option to return to previous questions. Beginning January 3, 2025, candidates must answer all items in the order they appear, with no option to skip questions. Once a candidate confirms an answer and moves to the next question, they cannot go back to change or modify their response. Candidates will no longer be permitted to flag questions or return to previous questions. The text highlight and underline tool will still be permitted.
How is the exam scored?
For the CBIC a-IPCTM Examination, there is one reported pass/fail decision score. A candidate needs a total test scaled score of at least 700 to pass the a-IPCTM Examination. Scaled scores are determined by converting the number of questions answered correctly to a scaled score that ranges from 300 to 900. Scaled scores provide a uniform frame of reference, based on the standard adopted by CBIC of the amount of knowledge necessary to pass, without regard to the specific examination form or version taken.
Passing candidates will receive a Pass message. No numerical scaled score is reported to passing candidates. A Pass message indicates that the candidate has mastered the required knowledge for this examination. Failing candidates will receive a scaled score between 300 and 699. A numerical score indicates that the candidate has failed this examination.
Please note that a scaled score is neither the number of questions answered correctly, nor the percentage of questions answered correctly.
Sample Score Report-Pass
Sample Score Report-Fail