About the a-IPCTM Exam

Important Update:

The CBIC Board of Directors is pleased to announce the a-IPC™ certification is renewable through either the proctored examination or continuining education (IPUs). Please visit our frequently asked questions page for additional information regarding this update. 

Apply now:  https://secure.cbic.org/imiscbic/cbic/aipc-application/ 

What is the a-IPCTM?

The a-IPC (Associate – Infection Prevention and Control) entry-level certification examination is a measure of basic infection prevention knowledge. It is intended for the novice IP and for those interested in pursuing careers in infection prevention and control.  The a-IPCTM  is an objective, multiple-choice examination consisting of 100 questions. 85 of these questions are used in computing the score.

How do I take the a-IPCTM?

There are no eligibility requirements necessary to apply for the a-IPCTM. The a-IPCTM is offered five to seven days a week at testing centers throughout the United States, Canada, and international sites around the world. Candidates may also utilize a remote proctoring option at no additional cost or approval process. 

How is the exam scored?

For the CBIC a-IPCTM Examination, there is one reported pass/fail decision score. A candidate needs a total test scaled score of at least 700 to pass the a-IPCTM Examination.  Scaled scores are determined by converting the number of questions answered correctly to a scaled score that ranges from 300 to 900.  Scaled scores provide a uniform frame of reference, based on the standard adopted by CBIC of the amount of knowledge necessary to pass, without regard to the specific examination form or version taken.  

Passing candidates will receive a Pass message.  No numerical scaled score is reported to passing candidates. A Pass message indicates that the candidate has mastered the required knowledge for this examination. Failing candidates will receive a scaled score between 300 and 699.  A numerical score indicates that the candidate has failed this examination. 

Please note that a scaled score is neither the number of questions answered correctly, nor the percentage of questions answered correctly.

Sample Score Report-Pass

Sample Score Report-Fail




Why the a-IPCTM?

The a-IPCTM is the perfect stepping stone to prove a candidate’s foundational knowledge, interest and dedication to the field, and provide him or her with the confidence to launch a career in infection prevention and control.

It is the ideal opportunity for those who do not meet the eligibility guidelines of the CIC® exam to enter the field or to learn more about infection prevention and control.

We asked attendees on an a-IPC webinar why they were pursuing the a-IPC. Answers included: 

•    Wanting to work as an infection preventionist
•    Personal growth and to make myself more credible
•    Pursuing a career in infectious disease epidemiology
•    To improve the quality of care in the assisted living communities I serve
•    To become a professional in this unique field
•    A stepping stone into the CIC eventually

a-IPCTM Requirements

There are no job-specific or education requirements to be eligible for the a-IPCTM. A candidate must only have interest in the field of infection prevention and control, and pay an application fee of $310. CBIC Examination Fees increase effective January 6, 2025.

Apply for the a-IPCTM

You are not required to submit any supporting documentation to apply for the examination.

Online Application

Application Resources

Before you begin the a-IPCTM application process, it is highly recommended you review the FAQ page, as well as the Candidate Handbook.

Study Resources

Please see the a-IPCTM Content Outline for content on the exam. 

Examination Appointment Policy

Please refer to CBIC's Examination Appointment Policy for information on rescheduling your examination appointment, requesting an extension to your current appointment date or eligibility end date, or cancelling your appointment date and/or eligibility altogether.

Prometric Experience

Visit our Prometric Experience page for more information on scheduling and what to expect on your test day.

a-IPCTM Candidates may also schedule a remote proctoring session through ProProctor.

Copyrighted Questions

All test questions are the property of the Certification Board of Infection Control and Epidemiology, Inc. (CBIC) and are protected by copyright. Federal law provides severe civil and criminal penalties for the unauthorized reproduction, distribution, or exhibition of copyrighted materials.

Test center administrators are not allowed to answer any questions pertaining to the exam content. If you do not understand a question on the examination, you should answer the question to the best of your ability. Opportunity for feedback will be provided in the post-exam questionnaire.

CBIC's current Practice Analysis.
