Coming soon! Advanced Leadership Certification in Infection Prevention and Control

The Advanced Leadership Certification in Infection Prevention & Control (AL-CIP) is an assessment of knowledge, skills and abilities expected of individuals who demonstrate professional expertise, leadership and impact in the field of infection prevention and control. It is a portfolio-based assessment that demonstrates leadership within infection prevention and control that has a measurable impact. 

Eligibility Requirements

1. Demonstrated positive impact on the profession:  Active engagement and advanced infection prevention and control practice, leadership, education, research, policy and/or advocacy for a minimum of 5-10 years
2. Active CIC® and/or LTC-CIP certification 

Frequently Asked Questions

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  What is the format of this new certification?

The AL-CIP is a portfolio-based assessment of knowledge, skills and abilities expected of individuals who demonstrate professional expertise, leadership and impact in the field of infection prevention and control. Applicants will provide a written narrative and pieces of evidence to support their portfolio. There is no examination component to the certification.

  Why is the AL-CIP portfolio based?

A portfolio assessment allows applicants to demonstrate their individual competency for each core domain through documentation of practice application in key IPC activities and initiatives. 

  How does a portfolio-based assessment differ from a computer-based assessment with multiple-choice questions (MCQs)?

A portfolio-based assessment is an evaluation method where a collection of an applicant’s work is compiled over time to demonstrate their skills, achievements, and progress. It assesses a broader range of skills and competencies, providing a comprehensive view of an applicant’s abilities over time. Multiple choice questions (MCQs) offer several benefits in the assessment industry, making them a popular choice for evaluating knowledge and skills. MCQs can be easily graded by machines or software. Additionally, MCQs can be statistically analyzed for validity (accuracy in measuring what they intend to measure) and reliability (consistency of results over time).

To ensure the psychometric validity of portfolio-based assessments, CBIC is actively developing a clear, detailed rubric that specifies the criteria for evaluation. This ensures consistency and objectivity in scoring. We will also be conducting training and calibration sessions for evaluators to ensure they apply the rubrics consistently.

  Why did the CBIC board of directors decide to develop this new certification?

At the November 2022 strategic planning session, the CBIC board of directors outlined goals and objectives for a new three-year plan. One of the objectives was to expand accessibility to certification for professionals responsible for infection prevention across settings. This includes alignment of certification opportunities along career path progression from novice to mid-career to expert. 


  How does the AL-CIP differ from the APIC fellows program?

The AL-CIP portfolio is an assessment of knowledge, skills, and abilities expected of individuals who demonstrate professional expertise working in the field of infection prevention and control. The FAPIC designation recognizes exemplary APIC members with status of FAPIC.  According to APIC, “the fellow of APIC status is a distinction of honor for infection preventionists who are not only advanced practitioners of infection prevention practice but also leaders within the field.”  Where fellowship denotes an honor, certification offers a level of attestation to a level of achievement. 

CBIC recognizes and supports the value and commitment associated with FAPIC status. The AL-CIP is not designed to compete with or deflect from the importance and value of the FAPIC.  The AL-CIP will be designed to assess and verify an individual's professional leadership accomplishments through a standardized credential. Additionally, documentation of the FAPIC status will be a highly recommended guideline that facilitates success in obtaining the AL-CIP certification. The practice analysis that we will conduct for developing the AL-CIP process will be a valuable tool for understanding the intricacies of professional expertise within IPC, and CBIC will provide ongoing updates as planning continues.

  When is the anticipated release date of the AL-CIP?

The anticipated release date is January 2025. CBIC will continue to share information as it becomes available. 

  How is leadership defined?

Leadership requires an advanced ability to inspire individual and organizational excellence, create a shared vision and successfully manage change to attain strategic goals. Infection prevention and control (IPC) leaders use their skills to establish a clear vision and strategic direction, facilitate change that improves IPC programs and practices, enhance individual and population health, and reduce the risk of infection across the lifespan in any setting.

  What is the fee for this portfolio-based assessment?

$545 USD.

  What are examples of pieces of evidence that can be submitted for the portfolio?
  • Publications (e.g., peer and non-peer-reviewed journal article, guidelines, compendium)
  • Presentations (e.g., chapter, regional, national, or international conferences; in-person, virtual, classroom, workshop; poster presentation)
  • Work product (e.g., toolkits, guidance documents, strategic plan, website, practice changes)
  • Program development materials (e.g., academic syllabus, website, course materials, program evaluation)

*all supporting evidence provided must be within the last ten years
