Certification Forms

CIC® Initial Certification




a-IPCTM  Certification





CIC® Recertification

Recertification by Examination

You are not required to submit any supporting documentation to take the examination. The online application will be available in your CBIC online profile in the year of your recertification.

Recertification by Continuing Education

  1. Sign into your Profile: https://secure.cbic.org/imiscbic/cbic/application.
  2. Click on "My IPUs" at the top of the navigation panel. This header will only appear if you are actively certified.
    1. Click "Add new IPU" to begin entering credits.
    2. Click "Pay Now" when you are ready to submit your credits in the final year of your certification.


Group Payment Instructions

  1. Submit the completed Group Payment Request Form to info@cbic.org 
  2. Accepted payment methods include: Check, Wire Transfer, and Credit Card.

**Please indicate your intended payment method when you submit the Group Payment Request Form.

  • Checks should be made out to: Certification Board of Infection Control and Epidemiology
  • The mailing address is: 1400 Crystal Drive, Suite 900 Arlington, VA 22202
  1. CBIC will review the form and provide the listed point of contact with an invoice and further instruction. 