Hajar Ali Aldhanhani, BSN, CIC

Location: Fujairah, UAE

Company/Organization: Tawam Hospital

Title: Infection Prevention & Control Manager

First Certified: August 2019

When I was studying Bridging program for bachelor of nursing, I was interested in microbiology subject, where my instructor advise me to work on infection control department. After my study leave, I have requested from my senior manager to transfer me to infection control department. Later after 6 months, I was transferred to infection control department. I join Infection Control Committee in ministry of health and prevention MOHAP where I started to know that infection control has to be certified as CIC. As an international candidate, was what kind of questions will be and does my experience enough to take the exam I advise all infection control to take the CIC exam, because this certificate will work as a power for your carrier as well as commitment to a professional growth the best resources is APIC textbook, CIC Academy, and CBIC facebook account. The more you read from APIC textbook, the more you will be able to answer the CIC questions. I appreciate the great effort work that Dr. Maher is implementing with successful CIC Academy group.  Additionally, I used to review weekly retried CIC questions from CBIC facebook account since I started working as infection control, I registered on APIC website as well as textbook annually. Information is updated and includes latest evidence based practice. Being CIC certified mean more precious, competent, innovative toward improving infection control compliance and infectious diseases prevention .    
