Rachell Ann Sadaya Lantayona, BSN, RN, CNN, MSc, CIC

Location: Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Company/Organization: Specialized Rehabilitation Hospital - Capital Health

Title: Infection Control Practitioner

First certified: January 2023

1. Why did you choose a career in infection prevention and control?

As a critical care nurse with extensive experience in the high-stakes environment of the ICU and with my previous specialization in dialysis nursing, I developed a deep understanding of the critical importance of infection prevention and control in the hospital. These experiences led me to make a career shift into infection prevention and control. I wanted to use my clinical expertise and knowledge to proactively prevent infections, protect patients, and contribute to the overall quality of care in healthcare settings. 


2. What advice would you give someone who is interested in an infection prevention and control career?

Embarking on a career in infection prevention and control is a journey of unwavering commitment to the safety and well-being of patient and communities. With a solid educational foundation and clinical experience, you can step into this vital role as a guardian against the threat of HAIs. Certification serves as a beacon, signaling your dedication and expertise. Embrace continuous learning to stay at the forefront of evolving practices, network with passionate colleagues, and advocate tirelessly for the highest standards. Surround yourself with great individuals. Law of diffusion! 


3. What does being a CIC® mean to you?

Being a CIC® means that I am part of a community of dedicated professionals who share a common mission: to prevent infection and enhance the quality of care. It’s a badge of honor, a mark of expertise, and a promise to uphold the utmost standards of excellence in infection prevention, and I wear it with pride and profound sense of responsibility. 


4. What was the best studying method for you when preparing for the initial certification examination?

Effective preparation involves a well-structured study plan, relying on official study materials (I heavily relied on APIC notes), practicing with sample questions and online lectures by CICs helped me get through it. It is best to maintain a consistent study schedule and practice time management to stay on track. Lastly, prioritize your well-being through a healthy lifestyle to optimize your study efforts. 


5. What advice would you give someone pursuing certification?

This certification requires a strategic approach. Regular self-assessment and staying informed about updates are essential. Remember, certification is a journey that demands commitment, but with dedication and balance, you can succeed. 


6. How do you stay up-to-date on infection prevention and control practices?

To stay current, I regularly review scientific research and publications to keep me informed of latest findings, while government agencies and online resources offer valuable updates. Maintaining certification requires continuous education and serves as a constant reminder to stay informed. 


7.  How has being a CIC® helped you navigate the current COVID-19 climate?

As a CIC®, I have been better equipped to stay updated with the rapidly evolving guidelines and recommendations related to COVID-19. This has allowed me to adapt infection control measures swiftly and effectively. My certification has enhanced my ability to communicate and educate others about the importance of infection prevention measures during the pandemic. 


8. How has the CIC® helped you grow professionally and in your career?

This certification enhanced my credibility and recognition in the field. Professionally, being a CIC® has opened doors to new opportunities and responsibilities. Many healthcare organizations prioritize hiring and promoting individuals with this certification, recognizing its significance in maintaining high standards of infection control. This has translated into career advancement and the ability to take on leadership roles in infection prevention. 

